
I’m Alex, better known by some friends and sometimes in academic circles as “Al”. Never Alexander. I’m a maths graduate who spent most of his undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool dabbling in programming.

Between 2015 and 2019 I studied for a PhD in Electrical Engineering (also at the University of Liverpool), and I successfully defended my thesis in January 2020. My PhD revolved around developing Bayesian methods for protein quantification in mass spectrometry proteomics. Mostly this involved me writing models in Stan via Julia.

Since October 2019 I’ve been working as a Research Associate in the Signal Processing Group in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the University of Liverpool, working on various projects under that umbrella including: developing software for navigation systems, using Kalman filters and particle filters for sensor fusion; gravity gradient modelling for navigation; annotating radar data for machine learning with active learning; translating epidemiological models for surveillance of the COVID-19 pandemic into Stan.

From October 2019 to September 2020 I worked as a Research Software Engineer at the University of Manchester developing software for analysis of quantitative mass spectrometry data, mainly applying MCMC to perform differential expression analysis.

Between October 2020 and September 2021 I also worked as a Data Scientist in the Computational Biology Facility at the University of Liverpool. There I helped to develop an analysis pipeline to identify biomarkers for severity of COVID-19 infections.

When I’m not doing the above, I tend to either be playing instruments (badly), or video games (also badly), or fiddling about with computers.

You can find a list of my publications here.

I exist in several places dotted across the web:
