I’m not really one for taking many photos, I find it detracts from the experience of being in places. Better to have a couple of photos to jog the memory than take a hundred and not remember what was going on when you took ’em.

Clifford's Tower
A now empty shell, this is what remains of the Norman York castle. It was raining when we were at the top. All around the hill the tower sits on were geese. York is apparently swarming with geese.

Ooh ain't it quaint
This isn't the famous Shambles. I actually didn't take any photos down there because I was so overcome with wonderment.

York Minster
Absolutely stunning example of a Gothic cathedral. For a rather non-religious person, I don't half love religious buildings.
I take some sort of bizarre pleasure from hearing American tourists in cities like York, especially in places like pubs, marvelling at how old everything is. We overheard an American woman in the Jorvik museum asking one of the staff whether there were many Roman remains in York. His response? “Yeah, loads”. She sounded amazed. I’ve clearly been spoiled living so near to Chester. Roman walls and ampitheatre? Meh.